Château de Bellevue - 2015 Fleurie Montgenas Beaujolais, France

Château de Bellevue - 2015 Fleurie Montgenas Beaujolais, France


I do love a good Beaujolais so I figured it might be time to add a couple more to the lineup! Especially this time of year, they’re perfect for lunch, afternoon beverage with or without snacks, and summer meals 🍷

Between Madone and Poncié, classic rose granite looking towards the village, some altitude so it’s a little later to be harvested, but keeps its freshness… A pretty fruit behind a clichéd super-attractive Fleurie aroma. Wide, fresh, silky then slowly growing with some tannin. A nice line of flavour, with pleasant body, all the way into a truly great finish.

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